This involves the engineering design of eaves, lear, valley, and/or box gutters, as well as the required rainhead and downpipe sizes and locations.
Our design process involves:
Plumbers, roofers, and builders work from our engineered designs. These designs are based on the capacity to handle a National Construction Code regulated rainfall event, taking into consideration the specific house and location of that house.
The PDF report is compiled and signed by a registered professional engineer. The design details typically include (where applicable):
We offer best practice solutions in hydraulic design for H, E, and P sites, taking into consideration regulations, practicality, time, and cost savings.
You can enjoy a smoother, more efficient process by also engaging us for your structural, geotechnical, and foundation engineering needs, as well as soil testing and inspections.
We design to the highest quality, backed by our experienced engineers’ certification. You can be confident that your project meets all regulations and relevant Australian standards.
STA is a one-stop engineer with a service range that delivers three key advantages:
Pre-planning your engineering needs means you won’t have to keep re-booking an engineer when you need a particular service. It creates efficiencies that cut service times and save you money by pulling together the services you’ll need, at a lower overall price.
With all your engineering done by a single organisation, your consultants tap into a deeper knowledge of the site and the project, which leads to high quality outcomes, with more opportunities for innovative solutions.
While STA always takes legal responsibility for its engineering designs, an up-front engineering services package makes it easier to trust our work with a strong mutual commitment, and reduced risk of potential interruption or delay.